
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

I have registered a domain name, but now need a website, can you help?

Yes, of course we can! Get in touch and we can help you out with a professionally conceived and quality built website or online system.

I'm thinking of registering a domain name for a new product, service or business, how should I go ahead with this?

If you are confident, you can register the domain name yourself, however you need to take care when using online domain availability tools, as some may register any domain names you enter, then try to charge you a fortune to claim them.
If you are unsure, give us a call and we can assist to help you register your domain names.

I have a website and a domain name and associated email but can't change either of them, as the person that set them up has disappeared. I want control of them. Can you help?

Yes. Get in touch and we can carry out a Domain Rescue, we can retrieve your domain name and in most cases, your website and web files.
If we cannot access the raw web files, we may still be able to recreate your website for you.

I have a website, but get very few people to view it. What can I do?

To drive traffic to your website we can tailor a Search and Find package to your needs.
These packages target specific markets and key phrases, and help advertise your website on search engines and other websites and web services.

I'm thinking of starting a FaceBook page for my business. Is it worth it?

A Facebook page is a great promotional tool, when it is implemented correctly.
We can help you by providing our Social Management strategies.
We will help you hone in on your target market, and ensure you have a campaign consistent with the rest of your marketing.

I have an idea for an online system that could take the world by storm. What should I do?

Great! The first step is to research your idea and check that it hasn't already been done.
The next step is to examine what your system will do better than it's competitors.
Once you have a good idea of how your system will work, get in touch- our development team can help.

I have a website but need to make it more smart phone friendly. How?

Most modern websites these days are designed for various screen sizes. We offer several solutions; 1. Create a separate mobile phone site with content from your main site 2. Rebuild your site to automatically resize itself 3. Build a smartphone or web-app that uses functions specifically for mobile/smart phone users.

I need a website that I can update myself. What should I do?

It's common these days for most websites to have a content management system (CMS).
We provide various websites and custom build CMS solutions.

I've heard that I can get free websites, email and social media tools. Why should I pay for an online presence?

Whilst there is no shortage of free software out there, chances are you are not an experienced, trained website developer. It is nice to think that with all these free tools you can DIY, however the reality is, it is most likely than not you will not be happy with the result.

Without the knowledge and expertise, regardless of the tools you are using, your website will not perform well, or live up to it's professional counterparts, without the help of a professional website development studio.
Get in touch, we can help.

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